Dealing with stubborn tendon problems

Treating and managing ‘tendon’ problems one of the most frustrating group of injuries I encounter, mainly because their recovery often has no time frame, it’s never linear, instead they tend to be a 2 steps forward one step back kind of problem. If it’s frustrating for me, I can only imagine how my patients must feel.


The answer isn’t black & white (it never is in medicine). There are however a few anatomical and physiological factors that can help explain why tendon problems can be stubborn as all hell.

I’ll quickly given you a little anatomical insight as to what a tendon actually is, and no a tendon is not a ligament (I do kind of understand why people get this concept confused). Tendons are thin fibrous bands which connect a muscle to a bone. Their function is to transmit forces, essentially providing stability with no real ‘active’ work. Not all tendons function the same. Some are positional purely assisting with controlling the position of the joint (fingers) while some can actually store energy & work as springs to assist with basic movements of the body such as walking.

Tendon dysfunction is usually a result of overuse due to repetitive stress being placed through one particular area of the body. Common sites include the Achilles, the patella tendon, the rotator cuff, tennis elbow & the hamstring tendon. Problems can be categorized as either

TENDONITIS: inflammation of the tendon OR

TENDINOSIS: inflammation with additional micro tearing and wear & tear of the tendon fibres.

Many clinicians also now use the umbrella term ‘tendinopathy’ which encompasses aspects of both.

Anyone can suffer from tendinopathy if there is great enough forces transmitted through a tendon that may not be conditioned to deal with it. Take me for example when I was 22, no history of knee problems, started doing a lot of stair running & plyometric training (jumping lunges, squats etc) combined with running. Ended up with acute patella tendonitis.

Such cases in ‘younger’ athletes are easier to manage. Tendonitis is acute & generally we are dealing with inflammation which with rest from aggravating activities & appropriate rehab will clear up in a matter of weeks.knee

Tendinosis is a little different & this is where the frustration sets it. Athletes in the 35-40+ category who do a lot of activity are those we worry about here. At this age (which is by no means old) most tendons will be starting to show signs of wear and tear. Small degenerative fraying of the collagen fibres at a microscopic level which is usually asymptomatic. When you start to place a lot of load through that ‘weakened’ area problems begin to arise. It starts as a dull ache, which gradually gets worse. Often stiffest in the morning upon rising. The area may also be tender & swollen if inflammation is also present. In very acute cases there can be ‘crepitus’ or creaking in the tendon itself.

The longer you push through some of these seemingly minor symptoms the harder it will be to manage.

Why are they stubborn?

Well for one tendons don’t get a great blood supply in comparison to our muscles & organs which are constantly bathed in fresh blood filled with oxygen & other lovely nutrients. This contributes to a slightly slower healing process.

Microscopically tendinosis is due to the disruption of the collagen fibres of the tendon. Normal healthy tendon fibres line up side by side while inflamed injured fibres will bunch together & get a little ‘tangled’. It can take up to 100 days for our body to reestablish strong collagen fibres.

Is there any good news?

Yes. Kind of.

In the acute stages you will need to rest from aggravating activities whether it be running, weights, tennis, surfing. However some activity will actually be favourable to your rehabilitation by promoting remodeling of the tendon fibres, however this will normally need to be cross training of some sort so as to reduce the overall load through the tendon.

There will also be certain exercises depending on the tendon in question that will be required to strengthen the tendon for long term management. Such exercises are usually eccentric & focused on the negative phase of movement, this simply means loading the tendon as its lengthening. This has been show to encourage rebuilding of collagen.

The treatment course is always individualized & you and your physiotherapist should work together to develop a rehabilitation program that controls your symptoms whilst also incorporating appropriate strengthening.

There are also alternatives… such as injections, patches to promote blood flow & more recently the PRP (platelet rich plasma) which involves an injection of a concentrated solution made from your own blood to promote healing. (more to come on this in an upcoming blog). Such options can be discussed with your physio or doctor.

Have a great day!


Around the Grounds

A couple of snaps of our physio’s Ross and Em from around the grounds!


Rossco keeping the boys on the park
Rossco keeping the boys on the par


Can strap an ankle!
Can strap an ankle!














Our newest  toy. Shockwave Therapy for treatment of chronic tendinosis
Our newest toy. Shockwave Therapy for treatment of chronic tendinosis
























Nasty Head Wound
Nasty Head Wound #tough #beasties2013
Yep working pretty hard.
Yep working pretty hard.
Did someone say lunch break?
Did someone say lunch break?

EastSports Physio now offering Shock Wave Therapy

Is chronic tendonitis plaguing you? Pain stopping you from exercising or playing sport?
Have you tried EVERYTHING possible?

What about Extra Corporeal Shock Wave Therapy?

EastSports Physiotherapy are now using Shock Wave Therapy to treat a range of chronic tendinopathies such as Achillies tendonitis, tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis and patella tendonitis.

Tendonitis is a notoriously difficult problem to treat, with some cases taking 6-9 months or longer to resolve. This is because in such cases we are not dealing with pure inflammation but rather the tendon has undergone degenerative changes resulting in cell damage and small microtears within the tendon.

We understand this can be a hugely frustrating process for our patients who just want to be pain free and able to get back to their exercise routine. Shock Wave Therapy is a treatment  method that is growing in popularity and research is showing it can assist with speeding up the recovery process from these ever stubborn conditions!

What is Shock Wave Therapy?
It is a non-invasive treatment method (meaning its outside the body, there are no needles involved). The machine uses a probe which delivers acoustic waves providing deep pressure and tension to damaged cells within the tendon. This process stimulates blood flow, breaks down calcified tissue and assists with promoting tissue regeneration.
It also acts on your nervous system providing immediate pain relief.

Who will it benefit?
Shock Wave Therapy is recommended for patients who have ‘chronic’ tendonitis (at least a 4-6 week history). This does not work in acute tendon inflammation.
Shock Wave Therapy can also be used for chronically tight muscles as a form of deep trigger point release.

What does the procedure involve?
Treatment takes approximately 4-5 minutes on the injured area. For best results patients will recieve one treatment weekly for a period of three weeks. This can and should be coupled with other physiotherapy treatment techniques to target tight surrounding muscles and also appropriate exercise rehabilitation.

Are there any risks?
No serious risks have been reported from Shock Wave Therapy. Patients may experience some redness of the skin immediately post treatment.
There are certain clients who can not recieve this treatment. Your practitioner will do a thorough screening prior to treatment to ensure you are eligible to recieve this treatment.

What if it doesnt help?
Unfortunately there is no guarantee this will fix every patient suffering from chronic tendonitis. If conservative management fails there are more invasive treatment methods that can be discussed.

If you suffer from chronic tendonitis and you have tried everything… why not give Shock Wave Therapy a try.
If you are interested at learning more or would like to make an appointment please contact the practise on (02) 9328 3822